MIWM features
miwm has the following features:
- miwm uses the GPL from Free Software Foundation, as
discussed here. It is thus
an Open Source project, as defined here. The
main Sourceforge page of miwm is here, and the latest
releases can be downloaded from the Downloads
section. The online CVS tree can be browsed here. It
is usually easiest to analyze a window manager by starting with how it
handles x events and either does something or passes it to a client
window. It is recommended that you start analyzing miwm with the
file disp.cc If you fix bugs or make improvements, please send
e-mail to the developers, or become one yourself, so that the changes may
be merged back into the main line. Developers are listed on the main
miwm project
- Extremely simple and Zen appearance and function. No icons, only
one simple menu. It is built on command line functionality, largely
because of dislike for the choice between
- constantly navigating through a comphrehensive but deep tree sub
menus in order to get to the particular set of utilities/folders you
are using a lot this week, or
- constantly reconfiguring my windows so as to make this week's set
of utilities/folders be easily accessible, or
- always using the same small set of utilities/folders, which are
near the top of a small static menu configuration.
Basically, command lines offer far more options, with far fewer
finger-motions than deeply nested menus
The command-launcher menu can be reconfigured via the
miwm.usermenu file, in ~/.miwm directory. An example is
included in the distribution, called miwm.usermenu, so you will
have to move and rename it. We find that Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo's button
shell tool bs is
excellent for implementing sub-menus from this main menu, and that is
illustrated in both the same menu file and the screenshots below. It's a
pretty useful tool regardless of your window manager.
The appearance and behavior options can be reconfigured via the
miwm.config file, in ~/.miwm directory. An example is
included in the distribution, called miwm.config, so you will
have to move and rename it. Defaults are set at compile time, via the
miconfig.h file, in case this file is not present.
- Virtual desktops. You decide at compile time how many desks you
want and what their names will be. It comes with a standard setup of six,
called "one" to "six". You can change the number and names in the
miconfig.h file. As with most of the configuration,
miwm uses an existing language (C++) to describe the
configurability desired, rather than make up a new one (Have you ever
studied the syntax of an .fvwmrc file? Written a lex/yacc pair for
- Optional tiling of windows. Windows can be neatly tiled whenever
they are created. You can always retile all existing windows, which can
be very useful in cleaning up. Constant auto-retiling and resizing can
distracting, so it eliminated it in favor of the only-on-command approach
(change it with the root menu).
- Efficient. Small footprint in system resources, fast.
- The executable is small
- No memory leaks at all, as far as my tools can detect.
- Does not have lots of fancy fonts, images, etc.
- It does not waste precious laptop screen space on icons, task bars,
desktop short cuts, etc.
- Reliable. I've run it for weeks at a time, on Linux, Irix, and
Solaris, Cygwin, BSD, on single workstations and across a busy network,
and it has not crashed, lost a window, grown to enormous process size,
become 'unstable', carried around ghost windows, or exhibited any other
insidious maladies. The most testing and experience has been on Red Hat
Linux 7 to 9 and Debian (woody). As you can see below, it had been up and
running nonstop for 28 days at the time of the obligatory screen
If you don't like minimalist aesthetics, miwm is probably
not the tool for you. Many other choices are available through this website.
Memory Leak Detection
miwm includes a very simple, general purpose memory leak checker
and debugger. It is contained in the two files mlchckr.h and
Basically, mlchckr overloads new and delete. It
maintains a vector of memory blocks. Each new allocation adds a block, and
each deallocation removes it. It detects double-deletes.
It has four meaningful levels of debugging:
- Level 0: no checking or tracking is done. It's just a
pass-through to malloc and free
- Level 1: tracks only the number of blocks left allocated at
program end.
- Level 2: same as level 1, plus at the end, it prints out a list
of their sizes and ID numbers
- Level 3: same as level 2, plus prints a running log of each
allocation and deallocation. This can get quite voluminous
The API is simple:
- void StartMemoryLeakCheck(unsigned int): Start memory leak
checking, at the specified level
- unsigned int FirstSuspectBlock: If this is greater than zero,
the allocator will invoke the xxgdbDummyFN, so that you can put
a break point there (with xxgdb, kdbg, or such). Set this right before
starting to check leaks.
- void xxgdbDummyFN(unsigned int bid): this is just a place in
the mlchkr.cc file where breakpoints could be set
- void StopMemoryLeakCheck(unsigned int): Stop memory leak
checking, and print data (if appropriate)
The purpose of
FirstSuspectBlock is to enable you to set a
breakpoint that will stop exactly where the leak originated, without too much
tedium. First you run your program with Level 2 checking, and pick a leak to
fix. But when you have a memory leak on the 42,719-th block allocated, it is
really tedious to step through 42,718 allocations to get to where the bad
one happened. The solution is to set the first suspect block to 42719, set
the breakpoint, and on the next run it will hit the breakpoint only when the
bad allocation happens. Usually, for well-structured code, seeing where it
was allocated is enough to make it obvious how to fix the leak.
Clearly, the above process depends on repeatability. To help that, a
simple random number generator is included in miwm. It is completely
contained in rng.h and rng.cc. It produces reasonable
sequences, with complete repeatability. If you want true randomness, use
/dev/random ! Better PRNG's exist, but this is a good compromise of
randomness, simplicity, and repeatability.
The primary problem with mlchckr is that it stores the memory
blocks in a vector. This means N^^2 time to handle N items, which can get to
be a noticable penalty for programs that hold lots of data in memory at once,
like A* search. A newer version, called ml, uses a splay tree for N
lg(N) performance, and negligable performance penalty.