
These are the ever-popular screen shots. Click on each medium sized image to see the corresponding full-sized image.


This is the basic view of the desktop, right after retiling it to make everything neat for the picture. The grey window, with white buttons, in the lower left is an example of bs, a very useful utility from Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo's which you can get from here.

In this shot, we invoke this instance of bs from one line of ~/.miwm/miwm.usermenu. One instance of bs can also invoke other instances of bs - a confirm-shutdown dialog in this case.

In the default color scheme, the unfocussed windows have beige borders, while the focus window has a very dark gray border. So you can see that the game board is in focus.

The window with white and black dots is an experimental Go player. It is not ready for release.

Changing Workspace

The selected client is "Base XTerm", in the upper left corner. You can tell by the black border and label, as contrasted to the beige border and no label on everything else. The red box is The Deadly Box.

This is without autotiling, so things overlap. This copy of miwm is configured not to auto-raise on focus, so the black rxvt is in focus (hence the black border), but not raised.

The 'change workspace' menu is in the lower right, by the end of the word "Paris", displaying some rather unimaginative workspace names. If the cursor had been over it at the moment of this screenshot, the highlighted one would have the colors reversed (i.e. white on black). If you switch workspaces, all the clients in the old one disappear, and all the new ones appear.

The beige window in the top left is a password manager, xpwdman, which has since been released as an Open Source project under GPL, fpwdman. It used a C++ encapsulation of Xaw, but now uses fltk for cross-platform portability. The sites, user IDs, and passwords are all fictious, of course.

Choosing Hidden Client

The selected client is "NuGo" the upper right corner. You can tell by the black border. When the application fails to provide a name, there is no bright label, but the border still changes to highlight which client has focus.

No icons for the three hidden clients.

At 0.5% of CPU, top is consuming more system resources than does the window manager.

The hidden client menu is right in the middle, with oclock being the highlighted item. These are the three hidden clients in the current workspace (there might be other clients hidden in other workspaces). If you release on it, it will be unhidden. If you release off the menu, nothing is unhidden. If you have client previewing on, then sliding up and down the hidden client menu will cause them to pop up briefly as you pass over them. This is handy for quickly checking the status of a tedious job.

Moving Small Shaped Client

The selected client is oclock, in the lower right. Because it is "small", it is dragged opaquely across the screen, obscuring what is below.

Shaped windows are handled correctly

The current X, Y coordinates of the client's upper left hand corner are displayed in a little popup window on top of the client, and that popup stays centered on the client as it moves.

Moving Big Client

The selected client is the White rxvt, in the lower right. Because it is not "small", remains in place while a wire-frame is dragged across the screen. Notice that the position popup stays centered on the client as the frame moves.

Sending a Client

The selected client is NuGo's window.

The Workspace Menu pops up on the frame, with the current workspace Gamma initially highlighted. If you select some other space and release upon it, the client is moved to that workspace. If you used just Ctrl-B2 to move it, then the client moves and you stay in the current workspace. If you jused Shift-Ctrl-B2 to move it, then you switch workspaces with it.

Window Manager Operations

The window manager operations menu is on the right edge of the screen.

Ctrl-B3 on the root pops up the menu of window-manager operations. The menu appears here to the right, with 'Use Pixmaps' being the currently selected option. (This image does not reflect all the operations describe above, as it is fairly old).

The "SubMenuTest" program is displaying the operation of the Yr GUI Toolkit

The Shell Command Menu

The shell command menu is in the lower middle of the screen.

B1 on the root pops up a menu of user-defined shell commands, from their $HOME/.miwm/miwm.usermenu file. this file is re-read at each invocation, so changes take effect immediately.